Thursday, October 26, 2017

The Gospel for Muslims

If you wanted to share the gospel with Muslims, could you?

There are over three million Muslims living in the United States today. Soon, if not already, you will have Muslim neighbors and co-workers. Does the thought of reaching out to them with the gospel make you nervous? How can you effectively communicate the good news with such large theological differences? The Gospel for Muslims can help make sharing your faith easier than you think.

Thabiti Anyabwile, himself a convert from Islam to Christianity, instructs you in ways to discuss the good news of Christ with your neighbors and friends. The Gospel for Muslims allows you to focus on the people rather than the religious system. Meant for the average Christian, it is not an exhaustive apologetic or detailed comparative study of Christianity and Islam. Rather, it compellingly stirs confidence in the gospel, equipping the reader with the basics necessary to communicate clearly, boldly, and winsomely.
Thabiti Anyabwile writes a very engaging text that is personal in origins and encouraging in its results.  Anyabwile keeps the reader focus on the fact that the Gospel is the Gospel no matter the person.  He did inform me of some facts about Islam that I was not aware of that I believe makes sharing the Gospel with Muslim friends and neighbors straightforward.  I never knew the Koran states the Torah, the Psalms of David, and the Gospels are divine texts.  Anyabwile cites the Sera for every statement he makes concerning Islam.  Due to this book, I want to renew relationships I have had with Islamic neighbors that have moved.  Great book.

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